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Cecile Kaiser - Healing Hurts with Humor and God's Word

Cecile Kaiser has been labeled “Queen of Clean”

As a comedienne, illusionist, and speaker, from the second she takes the stage, God’s love comes bubbling through ... it cannot be contained.

CECILE HAS DELIGHTED AUDIENCES from California to Australia. Woven amongst her comedy, she draws from her life experiences and years of ministry - including how God miraculously saved her first son – born missing part of his heart; her second son – born against the “odds”; and God’s guidance in more than 35 years of marriage.


"Cecile was by far, the best speaker we have ever had. I felt as if I had known her my whole life. She was funny, engaging, and she had our donors captivated. It was the first time a speaker had received a standing ovation."

Jackie Seldon, Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center

“Cecile Kaiser blasted onto the set like a bolt of lightning from heaven. She hit us hard, she hit us quick, before we could recover from the last episode, she would hit us again. The laughter was non-stop...”

Cynthia Harris, CE Ministry, St. John’s Miss Baptist Church


209-662-1323 / (209) 795-3502



Cecile serves on the Board of the Christian Comedy Association.

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